We Need your help
to get on November’s Ballot
If you live in the 23rd district, are at least 18 years old, and are eligible to vote in November, please print and sign our nomination petition! We MUST collect at least 400 signatures by May 15th in order to be on the ballot in November!
How can you help? It will take just a minute!
Step 1: print this form and this sheet of instructions.
Step 2: fill it out and ask every eligible person in your household to sign it too
Step 3: mail the petition to 4230 N Oakland Ave, PMB #283, Milwaukee, WI 53211 OR mail/ drop it off at the address on the petition (zip code 53211)
Step 4: forward this page to all your friends and neighbors, post a picture of you and your petition on social media, and help us spread the word!
If you do not have a printer, email your address to info@debforwi.com or text it to to 414-552-1104 and we will happily send you a nomination form AND a postage-paid envelope!
why do you need to do this?
The Wisconsin Election Commission requires all candidates for public office to collect signatures from voters in order to be listed on the ballot.
Can anyone sign?
You must be 18 or older, a resident of the 23rd Assembly District, and eligible to vote. If someone does not meet those requirements and signs the form, their signature does not count towards our 200-400 total. All the other signatures on the form still count.
when do you need the signatures?
We want to turn in the signatures in mid-May to ensure we have enough valid signatures to be on the ballot. Deadline for all signatures is June 1.
what is a “circulator?”
A circulator is the person who collects signatures. In this case, the circulator is you.
what is a “qualified elector?”
A person who is eligible to vote for a candidate running for office - at least 18 years old and a resident of the district. Click here for the Complete Guide to Voting in Wisconsin
How do I know if I live in the district?
You can click here to look up your address and see if you live in the 23rd Assembly District.
How do i know if i live in a town, a village or a city?
In the 23rd district Bayside, Brown Deer, Fox Point, River Hills and Thiensville are all villages. Mequon is a city.
How many forms can i sign?
If multiple people are running for the same office, you may not sign more than one candidate’s form. You are not required to vote for the candidate whose form you sign, but we certainly hope that you will. :)
Is this for the primary election or the general election?
It is for both the primary election in August and the November general election.
Can’t you just use digital signatures?
Signatures must be original, and each person may only sign one signature form per office.